Famous Texas Quotes and Texas Sayings

Looking for famous Texas quotes, Texas sayings, and Texas one liners? Most Texans know about the references to the Lone Star State size in Texas quotes and sayings.

Famous and Fun Texas Quotes about the Texan pride

“Texas is a state of mind. Texas is an obsession. Above all, Texas is a nation in every sense of the word.” – John Steinbeck “If a man’s from Texas, he’ll tell you. If he’s not, why embarrass him by asking?” – John Gunther “Texas has yet to learn submission to any oppression, come from what source it may.” ~Sam Houston

Quotes on Texas size

“What you northerners never appreciate is that Texas is so big that you can live your life within its limits and never give a damn about what anyone in Boston or San Francisco thinks.” – James Michener “No matter where you go in East Texas, ‘Deep’ East Texas is always about twenty miles further in than wherever you are.” – Markham Shaw Pyle

Famous Texas Sayings

“They hung the wrong horse thief.” – for when something goes wrong. “So rich they can eat fried chicken all week long.” – yes, fried chicken is where all the moolah’s at! “This ain’t my first rodeo.” – when you’re really experienced at something! “He’ll eat anything that don’t eat him first” – pretty self-explanatory!

Quotes on the Cowboy Lifestyle and Texas lifestyle

“Being from Texas, I would say I favor a pair of jeans you can wear some boots with.” -Jensen Ackles “In Texas, we practically come out of the womb in jeans.” -Kelly Clarkson “Texans ain’t Texans if they aren’t willing to boast about the state they call home.” ~Anon

Texas Girl Quotes

Need Texas sayings about girls from Texas? Here you go! “I’m a Texas girl.” – Hayley Orrantia “I have a good friend who’s a Texas girl; Texas girls are a whole different breed.” – John Cusack

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